Griffith's Land Valuations
The Irish Government ordered a valuation of land for tax purposes. Sir Richard Griffith undertook this responsibility - a Valuation of Tenements - in 1848 through 1864. Every piece of land and property in Ireland was to be counted and the value determined in order to assess the amount of the tax. Only the leaseholder or owner was listed, not the entire family. Since there are only fragmentary census records in existence before 1901, "Griffith's" as we call it, is our most valuable resource in determining an exact location for our Irish ancestors - if not already known.

Griffith's Valuation was the first real listing of each piece of property; the occupier who was living on it by lease or ownership; the immediate lessor; the type of property, i.e. house, offices (out-buildings), land, etc.; the acreage; and the value of the land, buildings, and total valuation for the tax. These same records were used well into the 1900's, names being crossed off as people died or moved, and the new occupier listed.

We are attempting to put all of the names in the Griffiths Valuations for the Lurgan area into a searchable database. As you can imagine, this is a mammoth task and one that will take time. You can search the available names in the box below, but this is by no means complete. We are updating the database daily, so do come back and search again.

Surname Search

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