
Lurgan Business Directory 1888
by George Henry Bassett
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Lurgan 1908

Lurgan is in the barony of O’Neilland East and parish of Shankill, 20 miles south-west of Belfast, 92˝ miles north of Dublin, 5 miles north-east of Portadown, and 15˝ miles north-east of Armagh. It is surrounded by a good farming country, and most favourably situated for communication with the centres of commercial activity. The lines of the Great Northern Railway bring it into direct connection with Dublin and Belfast, and at a distance of less than two miles, by means of a cut from Lough Neagh, an opportunity is afforded for participation in the benefits of the Lagan and Newry Canals.

With the single exception of Belfast, no town in Ireland has increased in population and wealth so rapidly as Lurgan. The population in 1851 was 4,651. In 1881 it was 10,135, and there is good reason to believe that it is now far on the way to 15,000. This progress is entirely due to the development of the linen industry, initiated by William Waring, M.P., during the reign of Queen Anne, 1702 – 14. The most interesting fact in connection with the progress is that is does not seem to have been retarded by the great wave of depression which swamped so many promising enterprises elsewhere.

During the last few years wonderful strides have been made in Lurgan. Several new streets have been added. Indeed it is calculated that within three years over 200 houses have been built for the accommodation of working people alone. Handsome dwellings for well – to – do residents, factories, warehouses, and school-houses are included in the descriptive particulars of the aggregate outlay in bricks and mortar. Some of the churches have been remodelled, and the Great Northern Railway Company, to keep pace with the march of improvement, has erected a large goods store. It is worthy of remark, as a most instructive feature of the building operations, that a considerable number of the smaller houses belong to working men, built for homes, and paid for out of their own savings.

At every side of the town expansion has been the order of the day, but to the stranger, there is quite enough in view from the railway station to give an exalted idea of Lurgan enterprise. Brownlow Terrace, Victoria Street, Princess Street and Sunnyside had no existence a very short time ago. Now they form a substantial contribution toward the work of extending the town to the edge of Lough Neagh, about a mile and a quarter. As a market for agricultural produce, Lurgan is improving. Transactions are conducted in the principal thoroughfare, which is broad enough to give room for a large number of people without seriously interfering with the ordinary traffic. The walks and drives in every direction lead to places of interest, and bring into sight much scenery of a charming nature. In summer Lough Neagh invites with a magnetic power that cannot be resisted, and its exhilarating breezes do a great deal to maintain a respectable standard of health and vigor particularly among the working people. Lurgan Fair, 2nd Thursday every month, 5th Aug., 22nd Nov.

CherryAndrewAuctioneer - Market Street
ThompsonRobertAuctioneer - William Street
BallanceMiss S.Baby Linen - High Street
BrownMiss S.Baby Linen - High Street
ByrneMrs. M.Baby Linen - William Street
CollinsMrs. Dd.Baby Linen - Edward Street
DillonMrs. E.Baby Linen - Edward Street
HillMrs. J.Baby Linen - Union Street
HunterMrs. A.Baby Linen - Market Street
ThompsonMrs. Sl.Baby Linen - Market Street
WardMiss C.Baby Linen - Edward Street
CaseyThomasBaker - Edward Street
CunninghamThomasBaker - Edward Street
FilbinWilliamBaker - Edward Street
FinchMrs. Mt.Baker - North Street
KennedyJamesBaker - 30 High Street
McCarsonThomasBaker - Edward Street
McClimmond & Sons-Baker - High Street
Northern Baking Co.-Baker - William Street
TaylorSamuelBaker - Edward Street
TurkingtonGeorgeBaker - Church Place
McDonnellHughManager, Belfast Bank - High Street
ChismRichard G.Cashier, Belfast Bank - High Street
TaylorCharles E.Accountant, Belfast Bank - High Street
MegarryHenryManager, Northern Bank - High Street
McClatchieW. J.Cashier, Northern Bank - High Street
WeatherupJohnstonAccountant, Northern Bank - High Street
PattonRobertManager, Ulster Bank - Market Street
RinglandW. R.Cashier, Ulster Bank - Market Street
LeeperN. G.Accountant, Ulster Bank - Market Street
MagahanFrederick W.Secretary, Bann Navigation - Court House, William Street
LonsdaleWilliamBeehives - Avenue Road
GallagherHenryBlacksmith - Castle Lane
HaugheyJohnBlacksmith - Edward Street
HursonPatrickBlacksmith - Market Street
KilpatrickWilliamBlacksmith - Edward Street
SomervilleJohnBlacksmith - High Street
SomervilleJ.Blacksmith - Market Street
BOAT CLUB - Kinnego
ClendinningJames H.Secretary, Boat Club
McGeownPatrickTreasurer, Boat Club
BOOTMAKERS (who have shops)
BlackThomasBootmaker - 56 Church Place
FergusonEdwardBootmaker - 39 Market Street
McKeeAlexander H.Bootmaker - Market Street
MoffetThomasBootmaker - William Street
Northampton Boot Co. Bootmakers - Castle Lane
Tyler & SonsJ.Bootmakers - 59 Market Street
WalshJohnBootmaker - 33 Church Street
Trotter & Co.WilliamBox Manufacturer - Market Street
JohnstonJamesBrewer - Market Street
CampbellJamesBrick Manufacturer - Market Street
MathersWilliamBrick Manufacturer - Edward Street
MenaryThomasBrick Manufacturer - Hill Street
MooreJohnBrick Manufacturer - High Street
ArcherDd.Builder & Carpenter - Church Place
ArcherD.Builder & Carpenter - Watson's Lane
BairdCharlesBuilder & Carpenter - Union Street
HarkinCharlesBuilder & Carpenter - William Street
McCannMl.Builder & Carpenter - William Street
McConnellRobertBuilder & Carpenter - North Street
MartinWilliam J.Carpenter - Union Street
  Burial Board, Town Commissioners
  Friends' - High Street
  New Cenetery - Monbrief (one mile from town)
  Presbyterian, 1st Church - High Street
  Roman Catholic, Old Chapel
  Shankill - Shankill Street

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